The Rohirrim forces prepare to launch a pre-emptive strike against the village of Brôntrig in hopes of confounding the Dunlendings' own attack plans.
'It is time, ${PLAYER}. We know that the Dunlendings at Brôntrig intend to attack us here at Forthbrond. Instead, we will take the battle to their own doorstep.
'Your task will be to create a diversion while our forces position themselves to take the Dunlendings by surprise.
'Speak with me when you are ready to depart.'
WARNING: This is a solo instance and cannot be completed in a fellowship.
Answith is encamped near the tower west of Brôntrig.
You should speak with Answith when you are ready to depart for Brôntrig.
Ardwyn is at Forthbrond, north of Brôntrig.
You should return to Ardwyn and speak with him regarding the defeat of the Rohirrim at Brôntrig.