Fierce Resistance

Several Warg pack-leaders and goblin Warg-riders patrol beyond the Warg-warrens.

'Several Warg pack-leaders and goblin Warg-riders have been sighted among the Warg-warrens east of here. These creatures clearly guide the actions of the Wargs and must be dealt with...I find it strange that the Dunlendings tolerate the vile creatures.

'The Warg-warrens lie to the east of here, and the pack-leaders and Warg-riders can be found near there. Go forth and slay the vile beasts...for Théodred and Théoden King!'

Warg pack-leaders and goblin Warg-riders can be found near the Warg-warrens, east of Garrun's camp.

Garrun asked you to defeat the pack-leaders and Warg-riders among the Warg-warrens.


Garrun is at his camp, west of the Warg-warrens.

You should return to Garrun with tidings of your success.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447051


0 gold coin 32 silver coin 90 copper coin
16100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
16100 legendary xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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