Ill-gotten Goods

The supplies that were being ferried beneath the Isendale to Cuvnerth are now being brought to several outposts, including Brôntrig. Stop any Dunlendings from ferrying supplies.

'${PLAYER}, the supplies once being ferried beneath the Isendale to Wulf's Cleft are now being delivered to many Dunlending outposts, including Brôntrig.

'The Dunlendings hauling these supplies have been spotted along the hill to the east of here. If you would, follow the switchback to the north and look for the Dunlendings...they must be stopped!'

The Dunlending transporting the supplies can be found along the hill east of Innoth's camp, reached by travelling the switchback to the north.

Innoth has asked you to stop the Dunlendings from delivering their Orc-provided supplies to their various outposts.

  • Collect supplies (0/5)

Innoth is at his camp, to the west and south of the Dunlending supply-line.

You should return to Innoth with the supplies that you recovered from the Dunlendings.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447051


0 gold coin 32 silver coin 90 copper coin
16100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
16100 legendary xp icon

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