An advance force from the Wulf's Cleft army has occupied the village of Cuvnerth.
'The town of Cuvnerth has become of strategic importance in our on-going attempt to hold back the impending invasion from Wulf's Cleft, ${PLAYER}. An advance force from the Cleft has occupied the village, but if we can drive them out, it might be that our own men can use it as a stronghold against the Cleft.
'Will you attempt this? Cuvnerth lies to the south-east of here and is well-garrisoned.'
Cuvnerth lies to the south-east of Garrun's camp.
Garrun has asked you to enter Cuvnerth and drive the Dunlendings from the village.
Garrun is at his camp, north-west of Cuvnerth.
You should bring word to Garrun that the Dunlendings have been driven out of the village.