Pelts for the Cause

Garrun would like to turn the enemy into an advantage. With winter promising to be cold, he thinks that Warg-pelts might make good blankets for the Rohirrim.

'The winter promises to be terrible this year...perhaps we should take advantage of our enemies. The pelts of the Wargs found at the warrens to the north would make good blankets for my people.

'Go to the Warg-warrens and bring me as many pelts as you can. I will have them sent to Forthbrond to be cleaned and sewn.'

Wargs can be found at the warrens, north and east of Garrun's camp.

Garrun has asked you to collect pelts from the Wargs in the Isendale.

  • Collect Warg-pelts (0/5)

Garrun is at his camp, west and south of the Warg-warrens.

You should bring the pelts you collected to Garrun.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447051


0 gold coin 32 silver coin 90 copper coin
16100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
16100 legendary xp icon

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