Answith reports that many prisoners were taken by the Dunlendings and are being held in Brôntrig.
'While I was scouting Brôntrig, I noticed that many captives were dragged into the village and put in cages. Unfortunately, there was naught that I could do for them.
'Will you enter Brôntrig and try to free the captives? This would be a terrible blow to the Dunlendings and a victory for Rohan.
'Brôntrig lies just to the east of here.'
Prison-cages may be found within Brôntrig, east of the tower where Answith is hiding.
Answith has asked you to enter Brôntrig and free any prisoners you find there.
Answith is encamped at the tower, west of Brôntrig.
You should return to Answith with news of your success.