Strike Out

Ardwyn sent a scout to keep a watchful eye on Brôntrig, but the Rohirrim have heard no word from him.

'A while ago, I sent Answith, one of our scouts, to keep an eye on Brôntrig. The last news we had received from him was that he had set up camp near a tower west of Brôntrig. We have heard naught from him since.

'Will you travel south and west to the tower and find out if Answith is well? Lend aid to him if he is in need.'

Answith is encamped on the far side of a tower west of Brôntrig and south of Forthbrond.

Ardwyn asked you to find the scout Answith and lend him your aid.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447051


0 gold coin 32 silver coin 90 copper coin
16100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
16100 legendary xp icon

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