The Dunlending attacks have hindered the supply lines of the Rohirrim, leaving the Horse-lords woefully under-equipped.
'${PLAYER}, there have been a number of harassing attacks by the Dunlendings that have hindered our supply lines. As a result, many of our men are woefully under-equipped.
'I intend to resupply my warriors by the same means that the Dunlendings have deprived us of our arms... will you travel south towards Brôntrig and recover spears from the Dunlending sentries there?
'Head west, then south along the base of Dol Baran until you reach Brôntrig.'
Dunlending sentries can be found at Brôntrig, west and south of Forthbrond.
Ardwyn has asked you to seize spears from the Dunlending sentries at Brôntrig and bring them back to Forthbrond.
Ardwyn is at Forthbrond, north and east of Brôntrig.
You should bring the spears you recovered to Ardwyn.