Remnants of the Hunt

Ardwyn told you of a patrol that went missing a while back and how the Dunlendings appear to have left personal belongings on the trail as evidence of their attack on the patrol.

'Over the past week, several of our patrols have been attacked while scouting the valley to the west. Recently, one of the patrols has vanished, and we fear the worst. I have been informed that the Dunlendings have apparently left bloodsoaked items belonging to the patrol along the path as a warning.

'It is shameful that those who made the reports failed to retrieve their kindred's belongings. Would you seek out these items and bring them back here, so that they may be used to honour our fallen?

'The path the patrol walked upon lies in the valley to the west.'

The items Ardwyn has requested lie along a path through the valley to the west of Forthbrond.

Ardwyn has asked you to recover the belongings of his missing patrol.

  • Find the item at the first patrol point

The items Ardwyn has requested lie along a path through the vallet to the west of Forthbrond.

Ardwyn has asked you to recover the belongings of his missing patrol.

  • Find the item at the second patrol point

The items Ardwyn has requested lie along a path through the vallet to the west of Forthbrond.

Ardwyn has asked you to recover the belongings of his missing patrol.

  • Find the item at the third patrol point

Ardwyn is at Forthbrond, east of the valley.

You should deliver the items you recovered to Ardwyn.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447051


0 gold coin 32 silver coin 90 copper coin
16100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
16100 legendary xp icon
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