Premature Return

Recently, a Rohirrim patrol has returned to Forthbrond after being attacked by Dunlendings.

'Long and often have we sent patrols into the hills and valleys of the Isendale, and usually without incident. However, recently one of our patrols was attacked by a party of Dunlendings.

'We have ever been at odds with the Men of Dunland, but rarely in open least in recent years. Now the Dunlendings have become violently hostile towards our people.

'Will you find the party of Dunlendings that attacked our patrol and bring them to justice? Begin your search in the valley west of here.'

The Dunlendings who attacked the Rohirrim patrol might be found in the valley west of Forthbrond.

Ardwyn has asked you to find the Dunlendings responsible for attacking his patrol and bring them to justice.

  • Defeat Dunlendings in the Isendale (0/7)

Ardwyn is at Forthbrond, east of the valley.

You should bring the news of your succes to Ardwyn.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447051


0 gold coin 32 silver coin 90 copper coin
16100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
16100 legendary xp icon

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