The Men That Were Taken

Several of the younger men of Lhan Tarren were taken during the raid on the village. They are surely being kept at the half-orc encampment in Trum Dreng.

'Many of the men of this town were taken from us, though Elain and I did not notice until the fires were out, the dead buried, and the wounded healed.

'Those horrid Orc-men from Isengard must have kidnapped them for some evil purpose! The White Hand never wanted us to join them... they just want soldiers and slaves for their wicked cause.

'Please, ${PLAYER}... help us get the men back!'

The White Hand encampment is in the south-eastern part of Trum Dreng, and this is where the half-orc soldiers retreated with the kidnapped men of Lhan Tarren.

You should search the encampment for the men and free them as you find them.

  • Free men of Lhan Tarren from their cages (0/6)

Chief Guto can be found in Lhan Tarren, where Elder Riagán once stood.

You should seek out Chief Guto and tell him that you have freed the captured Stag-clan.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 30 silver coin 45 copper coin
11400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11400 legendary xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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