Slaves of the Deep

The slaves in the Orc-mines have been segregated into two groups: Dunlending slaves and captured Rohirrim soldiers.

'The Orcs seem to have quartered two groups of slaves separately down here. Most of the ones I've seen have been those wild men, the Dunlendings. I'm not sure where the Orcs have been getting them, but there's a lot of them down here.

'A couple of days ago, though, the Orcs started bringing in small groups of those horse-folk, the Rohirrim. They all looked pretty banged up, so I'm guessing they were captured in battle up above.

'Anyway, those folk don't seem to like each other much more than the Orcs, but if we're going to put an end to this, we'll need to get them to work together. If you can find out who is leading each group and talk to them, maybe you can convince them to put aside their differences and kill the Orcs instead of each other.'

The leaders of the two groups of slaves are somewhere in the Orc-mines.

Ondor asked you to find the leaders of the two groups of slaves and convince them to work together against the Orcs.


Edhere and Meriun, the leaders of the two groups of slaves, may be found in the Orc-mines.

You should speak again with Edhere and Meriun and convince them to form an uneasy alliance.


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