Book 4, Chapter 23: The Wizard's Vale

Baldgar is forming an escape plan, and he says a fellow prisoner is the key to its success.

'One of the other prisoners was once the steward of this place. His name is Acca, and he ran the day-to-day affairs of Saruman's household while the Wizard concentrated on other matters. But Acca fell out of favour with Saruman and is now a prisoner like the rest of us.

'There is little to do in these dungeons but talk, and Acca has boasted that he knows secrets about Isengard that none save Saruman possess.

'Talk to Acca about these secrets. He may reveal something that we can use to escape.'

Acca is in the dungeons below Isengard, located in the north-west corner of the main cavern.


Acca is imprisoned in the dungeons below Isengard.

Acca, once the steward of Isengard, has agreed to tell you the story of his fall.

  • Talk to Acca and experience 'Session: The Wizard's Vale' or read the shortened account instead
  • Acca is imprisoned in the dungeons below Isengard. Acca, once the steward of Isengard, has agreed to tell you the story of his fall.

Acca has told you the story of his fall and has warmed up to you. He is waiting to speak with you.


Baldgar is in the dungeons below Isengard.

Acca has agreed to help you escape and wants you to tell Baldgar.


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15300 xp icon
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15300 legendary xp icon

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