An Invasion is Brewing

The looters you harassed all spoke of the likelihood of an invasion upon all of Trum Dreng. Such an invasion would end with the Stag-clan being driven out of Dunland once and for all.

'${PLAYER}, I owe you an apology. I asked you to leave me to die, but I see now that I must endeavour to help my late husband's clan. Lhan Tarren must be warned!

'The chief of this invasion party has taken the farmhouse near here; I have seen the comings and goings of the Draig-lûth. Our best hope is to kill him, and learn what we can of the Dragon-clan's plan to invade.

'I will wait for you here, ${PLAYER}. Be careful...the chief will be a strong man.'

The chieftain of the Dragon-clan invaders can surely be found at the main house in the Herd-lands, looking down upon the farm from on high.

You should kill the chieftain and steal the plans for the invasion of Trum Dreng by the Dragon-clan.

  • Collect plans for the invasion of Trum Dreng

Blodwen awaits you in her hiding place near the river in the Herd-lands.

You should return to Blodwen with the map you found and with the dire news that Murig has escaped you.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 30 silver coin 45 copper coin
11400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11400 legendary xp icon

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