Down From the Tower

Murig has settled at the watch-tower of Trum Dreng. If this waypoint is to be secured, he must be called down and defeated so that the Stag-clan can reclaim it.

'The leader of this band has taken up residence within the watch-tower. With them peering out over all the lands from such a high point, we cannot hope to secure Trum Dreng once more without a full army. Alas that my peoples have grown so few and weak.

'But there is still hope, ${PLAYER}. If we can cut our way through to the tower, we can surely call Murig down from high. He will surely think that a commotion at the door will be his own folk making the noise. He will come down, I think, and we can defeat him on the ground.'

Murig can be found at the watch-tower in Trum Dreng.

You should bang on the door to see if Murig will be foolish enough to come down from his eyrie.

  • Bang on the door to the watch-tower to summon Murig
  • Murig can be found at the watch-tower in Trum Dreng. You should bang on the door to see if Murig will be foolish enough to come down from his eyrie.

Elain can be found on the hill that leads to the watch-tower, defending against approaching Dragon-clansmen in the plains.

You should return to Elain and tell her that the watch-tower has been reclaimed for the Stag-clan.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 30 silver coin 45 copper coin
11400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11400 legendary xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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