Defending That Which is Not Theirs

Makeshift barricades have been built by the Dragon-clan raiders who took this important Trum Dreng landmark, and while the Stags stand on the other side, they have no hope of winning back the watch-tower.

'Do you see the barricades around the tower? They were hastily built, but seem to be well-guarded by the Dragon-clan.

'You should destroy those and defeat the guards as well, or else we can never hope to win back the tower.

'Please hurry, ${PLAYER}! I will hold the path as best I can, but I am not half the warrior that you are.'

Barricades can be found surrounding the watch-tower in Trum Dreng.

You should destroy the barricades and defeat the vigilant raiders who guard them.

  • Destroy barricades around the watch-tower (0/5)

Elain guards the path leading up to the watch-tower.

You should speak with Elain and tell her that the barricades have been destroyed, and the path to the tower is now clear.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 30 silver coin 45 copper coin
11400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11400 legendary xp icon

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