Uprooting the Raiders

While you are attempting to set the farm to rights, Blodwen anticipates that you will encounter many Dragon-clan as you roam.

'You will encounter many Dragon-clan while you roam the fields here. You would do well to thin their numbers, though I doubt we can be certain of their being truly gone from this area for a number of days yet.

'The Dragon-clansmen are many, but their numbers cannot be endless. You should be merciless when these evil Men attack you, ${PLAYER}.

'They do not know mercy themselves. They showed none to my poor husband and his kin.'

Dragon-clan invaders can be found all over the Herd-lands.

You should defeat the Dragon-clan invaders as you wander throughout the farmlands.

  • Defeat Dragon-clan invaders (0/12)

Blodwen can be found hiding among the rocks at the far southern edge of the Herd-lands in Trum Dreng.

You should return to Blodwen and see if she has any more need of your assistance.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 30 silver coin 45 copper coin
11400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11400 legendary xp icon

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