Tending the Wounded

You have found Anurin tending to the wounded guards north of the village.

'I do not have time to talk, ${RACE}! There are wounded and sick guards everywhere. Lend me your aid and tend to a couple of them, then return to me when you are done.

'Are you waiting for a sealed letter in the mail? Go!'

Wounded guards can be found along the northern lines of the Avanc-lûth.

Anurin has asked you to patch up some guards and heal them quickly.


Anurin is at the northern lines of the Avanc-lûth.

You should return to Anurin and tell him that you have healed the guards.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 31 silver coin 85 copper coin
13900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
13900 legendary xp icon

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