Bringer of Ill News

After confronting and defending against the Dunlendings at the Mustering Tree, your duties in the Gravenwood have come to an end.

'Though Gwyllion is not dead and will likely return again, I believe your duties here are ended, ${PLAYER}. Halbarad and the Grey Company will have need of you in the South.

'Speak with Léofward before you go, but I doubt not that the Horse-lords will also retreat from this place soon.

'Amlan and I will remain here. If Gwyllion returns, she must be dealt with, for she is a powerful adversary who might bring trouble to our chieftain from afar. Fare thee well, ${PLAYER}.'

Léofward is at the Rohirrim scout-camp in the Gravenwood.

Saeradan instructed you to speak with Léofward before continuing your journey southward.


Ardwyn is at Forthbrond in the Isendale, south of the Gravenwood.

Léofward asked you to take a report to Ardwyn regarding the strength of the Dunlending forces.


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