Dimming the Lights

The Slade of Shadows appears to be a focal point for the evil that is growing within the Gravenwood.

'Among the fell spirits I noticed amid the trees of the Slade of Shadows, I saw many of the wisps the Dunlendings call elhudan. These spirits are perhaps the least of the Dark Lord's minions, but in large numbers, they may prove dangerous still.

'As you investigate the Slade of Shadows, take some time to banish the elhudan... they must lead no one else to their doom.'

Elhudan may be found within the Slade of Shadows, south of Andreg's position.

Andreg has instructed you to defeat elhudan at the Slade of Shadows.

  • Defeat elhudan at the Slade of Shadows (0/5)

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0 gold coin 32 silver coin 55 copper coin
15300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
15300 legendary xp icon

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  • Defeat elhudan at the Slade of Shadows (0/5)
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