What of the Farmer?

You helped some travellers who witnessed the sacking of the herd-lands, but it is now time to seek the farmer and his family. They have not been seen since the Dragon-clan came.

'I might have heard someone from the herdsman's family the night the Dragon-clan came. I heard a terrible scream, but there was naught that we could do without weapons.

'There was no light at all. No light... only screams. The screaming went on, then was silent. Whatever happened to that poor family, it was nothing good.

'It is good of you to want to look for them, but are you certain it is worth the risk? It is folly to seek the dead while their killers lurk nearby.'

The farmer's family should be somewhere in the herd-lands.

Whether dead or alive, you should find Trev's family before reporting back to Lhan Tarren.


The farmer's son should also be somewhere in the herd-lands in Trum Dreng.

There is only one Stag-clansman left to find, and he is not with the others: the herdsman's son Dilwun.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 30 silver coin 45 copper coin
11400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11400 legendary xp icon

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