Food By Any Means

Iestin has been asked to find more food for the Dunlendings... a challenge in the mires of the Dunbog.

'Find more food, find more food... this is all Blaire ever tells me... just shouting orders all the time. Am I just a mule?

'Well, if you want to help me and help the Boar-clan, he is right. We do need more food. So if there is any way you can fetch us more provender, that would be a great help. Perhaps there are stores at Lhan Colvarn... even the abominations must eat!

'I think they store their food in crates. Bring me several of them, and perhaps we will survive long enough to do some good here.'

Food-stores can be found at Lhan Colvarn, north of the Boar-clan encampment.

Iestin has asked you to gather food-stores for him.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 31 silver coin 85 copper coin
13900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
13900 legendary xp icon

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