Twice-stolen Stores

The herd-lands, recently captured by the Dragon-clan, had many food-stores that were meant to feed the peaceful inhabitants of Trum Dreng. The Dragon-clan invaders have stolen a great deal of it.

'You do not mean to kill us, then? If you are here to help the farmers, you are probably too late. The Dragon-clan warriors destroyed and took everything.

'We passed through the farm two nights ago, but the next morning the deed was done. We heard the screams and saw the smoke.

'We have not had any food or water since. They do not seem to know that we are here, but what does that signify? It seems that we are going to starve in this very spot.'

Stolen food and supplies can surely be found on the Dragon-clan scouts who invaded the farm.

You should steal food-stores back from them and bring them to the starving huddle of outcasts.

  • Collect stolen food-stores from the Dragon-clan scouts (0/8)

Ceri, the leader of the small band of frightened outcasts, is at their tiny camp on the overlook just north-west of the herd-lands.

You should return to Ceri whith the stolen goods you have collected so that his folk may survive their journey through these harsh lands.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 30 silver coin 45 copper coin
11400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11400 legendary xp icon

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