Avanc for Every Need

The avanc, to many beyond Dunland a mythical beast, serve as a staple for the people of the Dunbog.

'One of your first tasks of the hunt will be to survive. I cannot teach you that, it is something you must learn on your own.

'Once you have mastered survival, we will hunt some avanc. A mighty beast, the avanc.

'We will need to collect as much of their meat, tails, and hide as possible, so try to be precise with your attacks! We go at once!'

Avanc can be found throughout the Dunbog.

Harri has asked you to help him fight the mighty avanc.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 31 silver coin 85 copper coin
13900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
13900 legendary xp icon

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