Fear of Famine

The peaceful people of Lhan Tarren are rattled by the recent violent aggression of the Dragon-clan in Trum Dreng. It would ease the disturbed fears of the villagers to see their food-stores supplemented.

'${PLAYER}, I am pleased that you are here. Ever since Elain was attacked by the Dragon-clan, I have not been able to calm myself. What if we are attacked? We have not the stores to feed our village if some catastrophe were to befall us.

'There should be a few hours yet before the Feast of the Running Stag. I happen to know that wild turnips are in season, and they grow in the fields to the south this time of year. Would you be so good as to collect some so that our stores may be supplemented? It would do much to ease my worries.'

Wild turnips tend to grow in the fields south of Lhan Tarren.

You should collect wild turnips to help bolster the food-stores in Lhan Tarren.

  • Collect wild turnips (0/10)

Grigor resides in Lhan Tarren, worrying over the food-stores and the distressing thought of a future emergency.

You should bring the turnips you gathered to Grigor.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 30 silver coin 45 copper coin
11400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11400 legendary xp icon

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