Meat for a Hungry Clan

While the clan's chief huntress was missing, the meat for the Feast of the Running Stag was perilously neglected. A productive hunt would rectify this situation.

'Welcome to Lhan Tarren! The Elder has sent word that you will be joining us for the feast tonight. Many hungry people will be there, along with Stag-clansmen from other parts of Trum Dreng.

'It is my duty to prepare the meat, but since our clan's huntress was taken captive, the men have been hard-pressed to find food. Our tribe is not what it once was....

'But do not worry yourself; you look to be a sturdy ${RACE}. Will you participate in the hunt, ${PLAYER}? We wish to feast on boar and oxen tonight.'

Boar and oxen roam the rough plains around Trum Dreng.

You have been asked to hunt the beasts of Trum Dreng for the Feast of the Running Stag that takes place tonight.

  • Hunt game beasts of Trum Dreng (0/10)

Hav can be found in Lhan Tarren, the Stag-clan's village in Trum Dreng.

You should bring the meat you collected to Hav at once so that she can begin roasting it for the feast.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447030


0 gold coin 30 silver coin 45 copper coin
11400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11400 legendary xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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