Intro: An Uneasy Feeling

Gormr's words and hints have brought you nothing but uneasiness, and there is a tension in the air. It is time to seek Dwalin and see if the Elves and Longbeards may be united in their purposes.

'Would you like to be here to witness the Ritual of Commemoration of our fallen king? As Steward of these halls, I welcome you to celebrate with us. It will not be long fact, I believe the preparations begin tonight.

'What say you, ${PLAYER}? Think on it, if you will. Return to me when you have decided. Just be sure you make the right decision! Ha ho ho.

'Run along now, friend. I've no more time for you. It will be a busy day for all my folk.'

Dwalin is in Frerin's Court, in the very centre of the Thorin's Gate area.

Now would be a good time to consult Dwalin on Gormr's strange behaviour and sinister hints.


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