Intro: The Footprints of Blood

Red flowers have grown around Skorgrím's crumbled grave and around the place where he fell. Elladan believes that the flowers could possibly be what Elrond saw as blood-red footprints in his dream and will lead to Skorgrím's body.

'A trail, ${PLAYER}! Red flowers leading a trail through the you think these are the footprints of blood?

\qBlood-red footsteps
Upon snow coloured black,
Where the Dour King walks
to take back his throne
and finish what was begun.\q

'We have black snow and the body of the Dour King has been moved, leaving the fell flowers as footprints. Something evil is at work here, and I am sure something evil was at work when he sought our relics for immortality.

'We must follow him again. My brother is scouting for signs as well -- seek him as you search.'

The \qBlood-red footsteps\q begin at the Silver Deep Mine. Elladan suspects that they lead to wherever Skorgrím now lies.

You should follow the red flowers to their end, examining each for signs, for they grow where Skorgrím's corpse corrupted the land as he was moved over it.

  • Explore the gate at the Silver Deep Mine's courtyard

The \qBlood-red footsteps\q begin at the Silver Deep Mine and grow along the road. Elladan suspects that they lead to wherever Skorgrím now lies.

You should follow the red flowers to their end, examining each for signs, for they grow where Skorgrím's corpse corrupted the land as he was moved over it.

  • Follow the trail of red flowers down the road

The \qBlood-red footsteps\q begin at the Silver Deep Mine and grow along the road. Elladan suspects that they lead to wherever Skorgrím now lies.

You should follow the red flowers to their end, examining each for signs, for they grow where Skorgrím's corpse corrupted the land as he was moved over it.

  • Follow the trail of red flowers down the road

The \qBlood-red footsteps\q begin at the Silver Deep Mine and grow along the road. Elladan suspects that they lead to wherever Skorgrím now lies.

You should follow the red flowers to their end, examining each for signs, for they grow where Skorgrím's corpse corrupted the land as he was moved over it.

  • Follow the trail of red flowers down the road

The \qBlood-red footsteps\q begin at the Silver Deep Mine and grow along the road. Elladan suspects that they lead to wherever Skorgrím now lies.

You should follow the red flowers to their end, examining each for signs, for they grow where Skorgrím's corpse corrupted the land as he was moved over it.

  • Follow the trail of red flowers down the road

The \qBlood-red footsteps\q begin at the Silver Deep Mine and grow along the road. Elladan suspects that they lead to wherever Skorgrím now lies.

You should follow the red flowers to their end, examining each for signs, for they grow where Skorgrím's corpse corrupted the land as he was moved over it.

  • Follow the trail of red flowers down the road

An unfriendly-looking keep now stands before you.

You should scout the keep, for the trail indicates that Skorgrím's body may have been moved here.


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Map width ID 268437722


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