Intro: Honing Your Skills

Elladan feels that you should sharpen your skills as a ${CLASS} before beginning your search.

'Whether Dorollas was right or wrong in leading us here, my heart warns me that danger is near, as is often the case with the wide world of late.

'Before getting started, everyone should be prepared. You are a ${CLASS}, as I can see plainly, but have you mastered your skills?

'I fear that you will be tested as a warrior in these harsh mountains. You should speak with your trainer to make sure you are ready for what lies ahead.'

Class trainers can be found in major hubs throughout the world, but the nearest is in the Edhelion Watch, not far from Elladan.

You should speak with your trainer to see if they have anything for you to learn.


Elladan waits on the road to Edhelion.

You should speak with Elladan and let him know that you are prepared to face whatever dangers lie in your path.


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