Intro: Elrond's Errand

A party of Longbeards and a party of Elves have returned to Thorin's Hall after a long absence from both. Nos Grimsong of the dwarves has come to offer his aid to the Elves and to find out why they have returned at this time.

'Here we are, as Dwalin bade, standing among this party of Elves who arrived when we did. But now what? Who should we talk to?

'That fellow over there, the dark-haired one, looks to be the leader of this company. Dwalin sent us to find out why they are here, and if we may be of any assistance to them.

'You are the more courteous dwarf, ${PLAYER}. Go on -- speak to that tall fellow! Do you think he speaks Westron?'

Elladan, a son of Elrond Halfelven, stands not far from Nos Grimsong.

You should speak with Elladan to learn on what errand the Elves of Rivendell have ventured so far into Ered Luin.


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Map width ID 268437722


0 gold coin 1 silver coin 60 copper coin
31 xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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