A Very Empty Belly

Mundo Sackville-Baggins, a fellow prisoner from the Blackwold camp, is naturally very hungry after the ordeal, for hobbits have insatiable appetites.

'Hey, you there! Yes, you there! I'm very hungry!

'I haven't eaten since some woman gave me a bit of bread and jam for breakfast this morning. Such fare is hardly meant to feed a rabbit, let alone a full-grown hobbit like me.

'If you get me proper food, I will reward you handsomely. I want something hearty and delicious!'

Wild boars, perfect for pork or sausage, can be found roaming the outskirts of Archet.

You should collect boar-meat for Mundo's next meal so that he doesn't waste away from starvation.

  • Collect boar-meat for Mundo's next meal (0/4)

Mundo Sackville-Baggins awaits your return in the village of Archet.

You should bring the boar-meat you collected to Mundo, who will probably eat it all. You only hope that it is enough to satisfy him.


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