To the Fishing Hole

A fishing event is underway in Bywater. You have been encouraged to take part before the festival is over.

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.

'Have you been to Bywater yet this year? The fishing event is underway there, and I hear it is quite relaxing and enjoyable for the many anglers who descend upon the town at this time of year.

'If you have an interest in such things, you should speak with Neddie Grubb. I've seen some folk showing off their fine rewards for their luck at the pond.

'Bywater is in the Shire, one town East from Hobbiton. You can find Neddie Grubb and his lovely pond there.'

NOTE: You will need to train fishing in order to participate in this quest line. A Fishing Hobby Trainer stands in Bywater next to Neddie Grubb.

Neddie Grubb can be found near the great pond in Bywater, just east of Hobbiton.

You should speak with Neddie Grubb, who will introduce you to the fishing events of the Lithe Festival (and train the fishing hobby, if you have not already!)


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227000 xp icon
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227000 legendary xp icon

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