Thievery and Mischief

While the Rangers of the North were distracted in the South, brigands and ruffians took an opportunity to wrest control of Bree....

The first step to driving the brigands out of Bree is to reclaim the South-gate and gain access to the city itself.

  • Claim the South-gate

With the South-gate claimed, you can move on to the southern courtyard and the Auction House, a crucial hub of commerce.

  • Claim the Auction Hall

The way north has been blocked and barricaded by giant snow mounds, you will have to head west through the haunted alley.

  • Claim the haunted alley

Claiming the Jailhouse will provide a convenient place to lockup those that remain once the city is back under the control of the Free Peoples.

  • Claim the Jailhouse

Without control of the courtyard, you cannot hope to assault and claim Town Hall.

  • Claim the courtyard

All that remains is to claim Town Hall and see the banner of Bree-town fly high over it.

  • Claim the Town Hall

Relevant zones


0 gold coin 7 silver coin 14 copper coin
Men of Bree (700)
3210 xp icon
Legendary XP:
3210 legendary xp icon

Additional info


  • Claim the South-gate
  • Claim the Auction Hall
  • Claim the haunted alley
  • Claim the Jailhouse
  • Claim the courtyard
  • Claim the Town Hall
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