While the Rangers of the North were distracted in the South, brigands and ruffians took an opportunity to wrest control of Bree....
Second-watcher Heathstraw is at his camp just outside of Bree's South-gate. He is waiting for you to report in.
The horn is on a crate next to Second-watcher Heathstraw. You will need to use it in order to learn how to call forth a Soldier into the battle.
The Soldier skill is in your Skill Panel under the Skirmish section. You will need to use this skill to summon a Soldier to aid you.
Second-watcher Heathstraw is at his camp just outside the South-gate of Bree. He wishes to discuss his plan for retaking the town with you.
The South-gate is just north of Second-watcher Heathstraw's camp. You will need to clear all of the enemies from around the banner in order to claim it.
The banner is at the South-gate of Bree. In order to claim this Control Point you need to use the banner.
The Auction House is north of the South-gate of Bree. The enemies must be cleared and the banner used to take this point.
Bill Ferny's house is east of the Auction House. Dríthlorz and his allies must be defeated and the banner used in order to reclaim this part of Bree.
Second-watcher Heathstraw is just outside of Bill Ferny's house. He wishes to discuss your victory with you.