Keg-hopping Race: Kolmar's Credulity

You have a vested interest in Kolmar's success as he runs the Summer Festival Keg-hopping Race.

'Well, ${PLAYER}, good day to you! It is often said that there is nothing better than fine summer weather, though it is a little balmy for my taste this time of year. I am sweltering where I stand!

'These lazy summer days can drag on, which is why we look forward to the Festival events! This year, inhabitants of Thorin's Hall are racing to finish the Keg-hopping Race event as quickly as possible. If you want to know a secret, I think I know who is fastest....

'I believe Kolmar is a sure thing this year. A friend of mine saw him down a whole keg, then keep right on dancing! Would you like to support Kolmar? I would, if I were you.'

The Keg-hopping Race begins soon on this very track.

You have guessed that Kolmar will win the race, and you should observe whether or not this comes to pass.

  • Observe the race to see if Kolmar is victorious

Arnar can be found in the Keg-race area during the Summer Festival.

You should speak with Arnar and collect the bountiful prize he has to offer for your excellent luck.


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227000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
344000 legendary xp icon

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