Trouble in Tuckborough

Tuckborough is the chief village of Tookland and home to the Thain of the Shire. Goblins and half-orcs seek to capture it in the name of Sharkey, the brigand chieftain troubling Bree-land and the Shire.

The first step to breaking the siege on the Great Smials is to reclaim the south and west sides of the hill.

  • Free Hyacinth's entranceway

With the south and west sides in your control, it is now time to break the enemy's hold on the eastern hillside.

  • Free Edilina's entranceway

The hillsides have been claimed for the Free Peoples. Now the courtyard has opened and may be assaulted.

  • Free the courtyard of the Great Smials

The courtyard has fallen. Now all that remains is to defeat the leader of the assault and break the siege.

  • Defeat the half-orc at the doorway to the Great Smials and claim the Great Smials

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0 gold coin 1 silver coin 60 copper coin
1290 xp icon
Legendary XP:
1290 legendary xp icon

Additional info


  • Free Hyacinth's entranceway
  • Free Edilina's entranceway
  • Free the courtyard of the Great Smials
  • Defeat the half-orc at the doorway to the Great Smials and claim the Great Smials
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