Destroying Their Means

You eliminated much of the threat of traps and archers that made attacking Ashúrz Maufulug a particularly hazardous proposition, but there is more yet to do.

'You have removed many of the defences protecting Ashúrz Maufulug by disarming the traps of the Orcs, but there is more yet to do. Our forces in the Mirk-eaves are but a small portion of the company that ventured from Lothlórien. We must weaken the enemy, if we are to defeat them.

'I bid you foray against the camp and destroy any weapon-racks and crates of supplies you may find there. Without these, the Orcs will be hard-pressed to defend themselves.

'If you have lost your bearings, Ashúrz Maufulug lies to the south and a little west of here.'

Weapon-racks and crates of supplies can be found in Ashúrz Maufulug, to the south and a little west of Echad Glamodúd.

Glamodúd has asked you to further weaken the Orcs of Ashúrz Maufulug by destroying their weapons and supplies.

  • Destroy weapons in Ashûrz Maufulug (0/6)

Glamodúd is at Echad Glamodúd, south and a little west from Ashúrz Maufulug.

You should return to Ashúrz Maufulug with news of your success.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268443855


0 gold coin 28 silver coin 70 copper coin
Malledhrim (500)
8880 xp icon
Legendary XP:
8880 legendary xp icon

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