Lumul-nar: The Bane of Illumination

Frár of the Chamber of the Cross-roads explored near the entrance to Lumul-nar, the Hall of Mirrors, and recalls that a great feeling of menace turned him from his path.

'Hello, ${PLAYER}. Hrólfur tells me you are here to give us a leg up on our enemies. I will not turn my nose up at the help! The illumination of our halls will wreak havoc on the ill-accustomed eyes of Moria's foes.

'When I was exploring Durin's Way, I very nearly found myself in Lumul-nar, where you plan to go. But some great evil there sapped my will, and I decided I valued my life more than my curiosity at that particular moment.

'I saw and heard many clues of what terror may lurk within, but I do not wish to speak of it. All I ask is that you defeat whatever holds Lumul-nar, the Hall of Mirrors, in its evil clutches. But I beg you to bring a friend or two with you, for I had not the heart to make this venture alone.'

The Hall of Mirrors can be found in Zirakzigil, to the north of the Chamber of the Cross-roads.

Frár has asked you to defeat the menace that holds the Hall of Mirrors in its clutches. You should bring a friend or two on this dangerous venture.


Frár is in the Chamber of the Cross-roads, to the south of Lumul-nar.

You should speak with Frár and inform him of your success against Ergoth in the Hall of Mirrors.


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11800 legendary xp icon

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