Instance: The Secret Road

You have come with Orvar Bellhammer to Zurr-thurkh, the 'secret road' that was built as an escape passage from the throne room of Durin, and will use it to gain access to Mazog's fortress.

No one has walked the 'secret road' since before the Fall of Moria, but now you and Orvar Bellhammer will use it to get behind the walls of Mazog's fortress, Zabadgathol.

  • Talk to Orvar in Zurr-thurkh

You should clear the way for Orvar to follow when he is ready.

  • Clear the way ahead for Orvar

Orvar is waiting outside the secret road, in Rushdurinul.


Orvar has told you to search the large Orc encampment in the throne room for the captive Bori.

  • Search the Orc encampment for Bori

With no sign of Bori in the Orc encampment within Rushdurinul, Orvar has decided to confront Mazog directly.

  • Talk to Orvar

You have come with Orvar to Rushdurinul, the throne room in which Mazog makes his lair, and will now confront the Orc leader.

  • Protect Orvar as he confronts Mazog

With the sudden appearance of Bróin and the Elves from Buzun-ghâr, Mazog has been defeated.


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