The Defender of the Free: Lending a Hand

Many Guardians wish to be Defenders of the Free, but not all can accomplish their goals alone.

'Greetings, ${PLAYER}. There are many Guardians who wish to be Defenders of the Free, but not all can accomplish their task alone. You should seek to aid your fellow Guardians along their path.

'The greatest danger your fellow will face is at the Dark Delvings.

'Go now and prove your honour.'

The Dark Delvings lie in the south-eastern reaches of the Foundations of Stone.

Ingthor has instructed you to help a fellow Guardian complete his or her final task at the Dark Delvings.


Ingthor is just outside the Dark Delvings.

With Nightshine slain, you should return to Ingthor with news of your success.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442341


0 gold coin 27 silver coin 65 copper coin
4590 xp icon
Legendary XP:
4590 legendary xp icon

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