To the Chamber of the Cross-roads

Thettmárr has asked you to check on the progress of the dwarf-expedition at the Chamber of the Cross-roads, in Durin's Way. Once there, you should speak with Líkmund.

'You have done more than we could ever have hoped in the Silvertine Lodes, so it is time to send you back to the upper levels to help out in Durin's Way. You should make for the Chamber of the Cross-roads, which lies to the north of the Great Delving.

'Give my greetings to Líkmund when you get there, if he's still breathing.'

To reach the Chamber of the Cross-roads, head north from the Deep Descent to the Dolven-view camp. From the Dolven-view, follow your map and the main lit roadway towards the Chamber of the Cross-roads.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442349


0 gold coin 25 silver coin 55 copper coin
3380 xp icon
Legendary XP:
3380 legendary xp icon

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