Bogrian's Curiosity

The morroval-queen, Bogrian, has fled into hiding. Folkath and the others have begun investigating where she may next appear.

'We have done our best to keep watch throughout this cavern, and have been learning more about Bogrian and her maidens.

'Hadi overheard some of the merrevail talking, and a few key phrases piqued my interest. Will you speak to him and find out what he knows?'

Hadi resides in camp with Folkath at the west edge of the Fanged Pit.

Folkath recommends that you question Hadi about what he has learned of Bogrian's clan.


Seek out the scouts at their habitual meeting-place, south of the entrance to Tith-maudhul, and try to overhear their conversation before you defeat them.


Folkath is at the camp on the west edge of the Fanged Pit.

You should return to Folkath with news of your success.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442349


0 gold coin 26 silver coin 25 copper coin
6220 xp icon
Legendary XP:
3730 legendary xp icon

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