Infected Kergrim-samples

Skûmfil is nothing more than a dumping ground, a place where the fallen Orcs of Moria are discarded when they begin to reek. It is here that two foes have gathered, each intent on using the corpses found therein for their own purposes. The kergrim and other scavengers as a source of food, and the insects as a place to lay their eggs to spawn future generations.

'The kergrim are rife with disease, this much is true, but I am not certain that they are behind the plague affecting the Orcs. However, it is possible that they are, and so I ask that you collect samples from the kergrim and their ilk within Skûmfil.

'You will find the place south-east from the Shadowed Refuge. Take small strips of their hide and return it to me so that I might better determine if the kergrim are infested with the same kind of illness that plagues the Orcs.'

Skûmfil lies to the south-east of the Shadowed Refuge.

Glorelloth wants to ensure that the kergrim are not responsible for the disease affecting the Orcs of the shadowy dark and so has sent you to collect samples of the kergrims' skin.


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