Foreman of the Great Wheel

Foreman Indrith made his way into the Wheel-house within the Great Wheel of the Water-works. The dwarves of Hulwul-nefekh are concerned that he may need help there.

'If you are looking for more work in the area of the Great Wheel, I would suggest you find Foreman Indrith. He headed down there some time ago, and rumour has it that he is holed up there. Apparently, the fungus was not reason enough for him to abandon his charge.

'He may require your assistance. He'll probably be within the Wheel-house, beneath the Great Wheel.'

Foreman Indrith is in the Wheel-house, beneath the Great Wheel, south-west of Hulwul-nefekh.

Ansurr suggested to seek out Foreman Indrith and aid him however you may.


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0 gold coin 26 silver coin 25 copper coin
6220 xp icon
Legendary XP:
6220 legendary xp icon

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