Commander Târsh

Based on what we know of the White Hand's movements in this area, I have discerned that there is an intelligent uruk-hai at the head of the enemy forces here in Eregion.

He is currently commanding the effort to scour the ruins of the School at Tham Mírdain to the south-east of Echad Mirobel. He is a fearsome warrior by all accounts, and his name is Commander Târsh. I would have you enter the School at Tham Mírdain and face down this clever uruk-hai.

It is said that his ego is large, and that he fancies himself a warrior without equal. Perhaps we can use this against him. Take no more than two others into the School, for we do not want to attract the attention of our northern enemies as well. We have our hands full enough with our more aggressive manoeuvres against those foes, and it would be grievous indeed if they were to join forces.

Commander Târsh can be found in the School of Tham Mírdain, south-east of the Elf-refuge of Echad Mirobel.

Commander Târsh, a pride-filled uruk-hai, leads the forces of the White Hand in an attempt to gain information of old from the School in which he has established his host. Gelirwen wishes you to enter the School and face down this brute with the aid of a small fellowship.


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