Helgi Goblinbane's Shoulder

You have discovered the shoulder of the Helgi Goblinbane statue in Hurmulkezer in the Flaming Deeps.

You have discovered the shoulder of the Helgi Goblinbane statue in Hurmulkezer in the Flaming Deeps.

The goblins of Durin's Way destroyed the statue, and its parts can be found scattered throughout Moria. A dwarf named Uxi endeavours to reassemble this statue.

The shoulder of the Helgi Goblinbane statue is in Hurmulkezer, a Ghâsh-hai camp to the south of Anazârmekhem in the Flaming Deeps.

You should collect the statue-piece for Uxi's collection.

  • Find the statue-piece

Markthor is at The Cross-roads of Ash, west of Hurmulkezer.

Markthor will want to know the statue's shoulder is safe, so that it can be sent to Uxi for reassembling.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442342


0 gold coin 27 silver coin 30 copper coin
10200 xp icon
Legendary XP:
10200 legendary xp icon

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