Lighting the Pit

Thalfar wants the lamps of the deep mine to be lit, which should help to drive away the enemies who have settled there and make the mining expedition safer for the dwarves.

'There are many lamps set along the winding mining path that descends into the Silvertine Lodes, but it has been many years since they have been lit.

'Will you patrol the long descent and light the lamps as you go? The fires should help to drive away the enemies that have settled here, and help the dwarves to see as they work and explore.'

The lamps can be found on the long winding descent into the pit at the centre of the Silvertine Lodes.

You should descend the path and light the lamps as you go.

  • Light lamps along the winding path (0/9)

Thalfar can be found at the small mining camp near Menem-berej in the Silvertine Lodes.

You should return to Thalfar and tell him that the lamps are lit once more.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442345


0 gold coin 25 silver coin 55 copper coin
5640 xp icon
Legendary XP:
5640 legendary xp icon

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