Shaky Foundations

The goblins have built a series of platforms from which their archers can rain arrows upon any attackers bold enough to confront them.

'The goblins of Gazatmur have stationed archers upon those platforms. Anyone who tries to attack them directly will be slaughtered. They will make the road perilous for those trying to move through the Great Delving.

'The platforms are of typical goblin-make, from what I've seen: clever idea, but shoddy. There is a major pin at the base of the shaft that holds the platforms up: pop that out with one or two good whacks of your trusty hammer, and the whole thing comes right down.'

The goblin-platforms are near the goblin camp of Gazatmur in the Great Delving.

Wigfast has asked you to bring down a few of the goblin's archer-platforms with a simple hammer.

  • Destroy goblin-platforms (0/3)

Wigfast is at his hiding spot outside Gazatmur in the great Delving.

You should return to Wigfast and let him know that you have destroyed the goblin archer-platforms as he requested.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442348


0 gold coin 25 silver coin 20 copper coin
3280 xp icon
Legendary XP:
3280 legendary xp icon

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