Heralds of Corruption

You found a piece of armour. When you picked it up, bats attacked you.

'The armour you found is a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, ${PLAYER}. What interests me particularly are these gouges in it: look here, and here. I believe this was carried in a creature's claws.

'Attacked by bats? Well, I suppose... but why would a bat carry a piece of armour about? This is most peculiar.

'When inspecting finely crafted armour, there is one dwarf who I would count on beyond all others: Sigdan. Talk to him here in the Chamber of the Cross-roads, he may have some insight into this strange find.'

Sigdan is in the Chamber of the Cross-roads, north of the Dolven-view.

Rambi told you to speak to his friend Sigdan about the armour you found.


Rambi is at the Chamber of the Cross-roads in Durin's Way.

Sigdan has given his evaluation of the scratches in the armour you found.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442349


0 gold coin 25 silver coin 90 copper coin
5900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
5900 legendary xp icon

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