The Fishing-hole

The hobbits are celebrating the Lithe Festival! They have given you permission to catch fish from the freshly-stocked fishing-hole.

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.

'The Lithe Festival is under way! Thanks to you, we have plenty of fish for the derbies and the young ones. This is going to be a wonderful Lithe Festival, I can feel it in my bones.

'Since you helped us stock the pond, you're welcome to try your hand at catching something from it. There are some nice rewards this year for the best anglers!'

The pond is north of Bywater.

Neddie Grub has invited you to fish from the Lithe Festival pond. All fish caught go back into the pond, but the more you catch, the more you win.

  • Catch as many fish as you can in ten minutes

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227000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
227000 legendary xp icon

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  • Catch as many fish as you can in ten minutes
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